The Truth About Sunscreens
For as long as one can remember, doctors and dermatologists have urged and encouraged the use of sunscreen for protection from the “harmful” UV rays of the sun. Recent studies have shown quite the contrary. The sun is actually our greatest source of Vitamin D and an adequate amount of exposure promotes a healthy immune system and is critical in the growth and maintenance of bones. On the other hand inadequate levels of Vitamin D are associated with cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, and autoimmune disorders. Vitamin D deficiency is also linked to multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, depression, and more.
The Truth About Manufactured Sunscreens
The truth of the matter is that manufactured sunscreens are more harmful to our wellbeing than beneficial. According to a recent study conducted by the EWG or Environmental Working Group, out of a pool of 783 sunscreens, 84% tested positive for unsafe toxic ingredients and chemicals. In fact, the Vitamin A found in sunscreens (when exposed to sunlight) actuall bolsters the growth of free-radicals within your body and promotes the production of cancerous tumors. They also disrupt and alter our estrogen, androgen and progesterone levels. In guys study’s found it alters sperm production, and in women is associated with edometriosis. Read the ingredient labels of sunscreens and you’ll find a number of very toxic ingredients called oxybenzone, octinoxate (octylmethoxycinnamate), homosalate, etc. to name a few that are amongst the most dangerous and common ingredients found in mainstream sunscreens.
All-Natural Sunscreen Alternatives
As Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell famously sings,“Ain’t nothing like the real thing.” While there are products that make claims of being 100% all natural, there is also an array of real 100% all natural oils, butters, etc. that provide toxic-free alternatives to manufactured sunscreens. The majority of the following essential oils can be purchased at – Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, Sesame Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, Aloe Vera Gel (not liquid), Avocado Oil, Myrrh Essential Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Chamomile Essential Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Red Raspberry Seed Oil, Helichrysum Essential Oil, etc.
Although we as melaninated people can withstand longer exposure to the sun. Be sensible about your sun exposure regardless of skin color, anyone can suffer from sunburn. Our body's largest organ is the skin, and everything we apply to the skin is absorbed and goes directly into our bloodstream. So, rule of thumb in more cases than none, what you put on your skin, you should be able to eat. Lastly, If what you put in your body affects the outside, what you put on the outside affects the inside. Continue to absorb our greatest source of Vitamin D which comes from the sun.
Thank you for reading!