Fall Fruits and Vegetables To Boost Immunity

By: Kelly, Contributing Writer for Day2dayjoy.com

In the summertime it is so natural to consume lots of fresh fruits and vegetables! The warm weather, farmer’s markets and picnics in the park all call for fresh fruit and vegetable salads. However, winter comes along and it usually includes weight gain, depression and cold/flu season.

Fall comes with its share of immune boosting fruits and vegetables. We just need to be aware of what is currently in season. Keep our love for fruits and veggies going throughout the year to protect and boost our immune systems. Prepare your body to get through the upcoming seasonal changes.

Fall Fruits and Vegetables to Boost Immunity!

1. Apples
This is an obvious fruit that we associate with Fall, but aside from the fresh, crisp crunch what other benefits do we receive from this tasty fruit? Apples are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C and reduce chances of asthma and diabetes. Also, a good source of fiber and potassium!

2. Pumpkins
Another produce we associate with Fall are pumpkins and pumpkin seeds! They contain Vitamins A and C, zinc and potassium for more immune boosting power. The seeds are a good source of omega-3’s for heart health.

3. Sweet Potatoes
Betacarotene in sweet potatoes helps the body absorb iron and protects from sensitvity to sunlight. It may also reduce the risk of arthritis.

4. Carrots
Another provider of betacarotene and also Vitamin A for healthy eyes, skin and immune system.

5. Winter Squash
Yet another vegetable full of betacarotene! The darker the color, the more nutrients it contains. Also, a great source of fiber and Vitamin C. Protects against cancer and type 2 diabetes.

6. Broccoli
Full of calcium and vitamin C and can also reduce the risk of cancer.

7. Cauliflower
Contains Vitamin K which helps avoid the loss of calcium. Good to to team up with broccoli! Promotes bone strength and health!

8. Cabbage
Also has cancer fighting abilities and may calm stomach issues and ulcers.

9. Dark leafy greens
Leafy greens offer a wealth of benefits! Packed with folate, calcium, vitamin C and many other vitamins. The darker, the better! A good portion of our menu should include greens.

10. Garlic
A must have for cold/flu season! Garlic is a natural antibiotic and antioxidant, to protect and promote health. Add to soups and sautee veggies for flavor and health benefits!